October 8, 2011

Fragance of Dalmatia III

Broad beans

and artichokes

Mladi bob sa artičokama

Artichoke is a medical plant that is recommended for people with elevated cholesterol, because it has a natural ability to lower blood fats. It also helps with indigestion, heartburn and flatulence problems and abdominal pain. With all this listed, artichoke is very delicious, so try to find a way to place your desk.
In the writings of traditional medicine says that the tea leaves of artichokes help you regain appetite, helps digest fats, stimulates urination, heal the liver and gall bladder, removed uric acid (urea)from the blood, a toxic product of disturbed metabolism in the body, cures jaundice, congestion and liver cirrhosis. It helps in case of sickness of the spleen, kidney stone, gout, rheumatism, and swelling with dropsy. Helps older people especially in the case of uremia, ie poisoning with toxins that are caused by the body's own diseased kidneys, obstructed urination, and the like.
Intensive scientific clinical trials have confirmed the beneficial effects of artichoke extract, and deepened understanding of this precious plant.

• 10 artichoke
• 300 g baby broad beans
• 300 g of young pea
• parsley
• garlic
• bread crumbs
• salt and pepper
• olive oil
• good white wine

Clean the artichokes by cutting off their stalks and leaves that are slightly damaged, and they are usually at the bottom of the artichoke. When you clean them, put them into boiling, salted water, with few drops of lemon juice. Soak the artichokes so that are upside down and cook then for about ten minutes. When blanched, take them out and drain.
Cook peas and broad beans, length of cooking depends on how young or freash are broad beans and peas. Chop a couple of cloves of garlic and plenty of parsley, and mix with the cooked peas and 2-3 tablespoons of baby broad beans. Pour over enough olive oil, add salt, pepper and bread crumbs (all together is should be a compact mixture). Spread the leaves of artichoke and fill them with stuffing. Put filled artichokes in a pot with olive oil and butter.

The pot in which you cook artichokes should not be too deep, artichokes have to stand upright. Around them, put the rest of the baby broad beans and all the remaining filling. Then add about 3 deciliter of broth (the water you cooked with artichoke stalks, chopped parsley, salt and pepper and a bit of good, dry white wine). Cook gently for about 30 minutes. Enjoy your meal!

translated form
All apologies to english language, I tried to give my best :)

Some tips from my mother:
Lemon is used to prevent the artichoke from changing colour or prevent oxidation, use at least half of the lemon. Artichoke should be fresh and green, it must not turn dark of course.
You can prepare the filling without beans, or you can add hard boiled eggs to it, beans and peas are added when you start coking the artichokes for 30 min. if you have frozen peas and beans, put them next to artichokes when water starts boiling, you can also add some tomato concentrate. The level of the water shouldn't be to high, just to cover it all.

other source for the recipe in croatian.

There are several ways of prepering the tea from Artichoke.
Tea against rheumatism and water in the joints:
Dip the flower heads of artichoke in a hot white wine, let it sit for about 2 hours to use as a tea.
Also, you can pour over some boiling water over a pinch of leaves,and let it sit for a while to let the healing agents come out.
2.5 to 4 grams of dried leaf pour 250 mL of boiling water, let stand for 10-15 minutes and strain. This quantity is prepared exclusively fresh three times a day and drink it between meals. However, the infusion of artichoke leaf is extremely bitter and is rarely used. Formerly a bitter infusions used to increase appetite.


And of course something for your ears while your tongue, liver and belly are enjoying.

Ljubo Stipišić Delmata
Antologija – Dalmatino povišću pritrujena

01. Dalmatino poviscu pritrujena - Oktet DC (Vranjic)
02. Intrade san popi - Oktet DC (Vranjic)
03. Namisto molitve ime ti ponavjan - Oktet DC (Vranjic)
04. Baren se iskaji, nevirna - Oktet DC (Vranjic)
05. Zlata jemas, dare primas - Oktet DC (Vranjic)
06. Prosti meni vilo - Oktet DC (Vranjic)
07. Ako smo mali djiografskin kartan - Oktet DC (Vranjic)
08. Dvi ruke u vrj sviju - Oktet DC (Vranjic)
09. Na posteji mojon ca san je udila - Oktet DC (Vranjic)
10. Ima posta slipi ol' ubogi - Oktet DC (Vranjic)
11. Imam dragoga - Klapa Luka (ž - Rijeka)
12. Mi ne domo cacu (Sprovod) - Klapa Nostalgija (Zagreb)
13. Ako vas svit dico moja - Klapa Cesarice (women - Zagreb)
14. Kod lepanta sunce moje - Vokalisti Salone (Solin)
15. Umra jedan bidni - Vokalisti Salone (Solin)
16. Testamentum - Vokalisti Salone (Solin)
17. Nostalgija za bogom Vokalisti Salone (Solin)
18. Pod krizem Vokalisti Salone (Solin)
19. Oce nas - Vokalisti Salone (Solin)
20. Gremo mi puntari - Gradski zbor Brodosplit (Split) (citty choir Split)
21. Dalmatino poviscu pritrujena - Gradski zbor Brodosplit (Split)

Something from dalamtia for full belly and full ears, oh, the pass simply must be thegoodone.

In the year 2009 Zadar Public Library is undertaking the digitization project of Mr. Ljubo Stipišić Delmata opus (b. 1938.).

Ljubo Stipišić Delmata's (or simply Maestro Delmata's) personality contains a multitude of traits: composer, poet, melodiographer, painter, producer, conductor of acappela ensambles, etc. Maestro Delmata has been honored numerous prestigious music awards including several lifetime achievement awards.

For his cooperation with the Zadar Public Library Maestro Delmata is honored the title as "Zadar Public Library best man". Together with the library, Maestro works in various projects ranging from acappela concerts, surveys and founding of children acappela choirs, exhibitions, guidebooks for acappela conductors etc. Wealth of common work conducted so far developed into the next stage of cooperation – digital presentation of his work, including music painting and literature.

The basis of Delmata project is a collection of rare tone recordings made during Delmata's ethnomusicological works. These recordings are being digitized together with accompanying notes, books etc. and put on the library webpage (www.gkzd.hr/delmata).

Delmata's work is of immeasurable musicological and cultural importance, especially for preservation and strengthening of the identity of South of Croatia, i.e. Dalmatia. The value and the importance of the project are recognized by the Ministry of Culture of Croatia and Raiffeisenbank who support the project (www.kultura.hr).

Once it is finished, the Delmata Project will be presented on the Zadar Public Library webpage and also on the Croatian Ministry of Culture web through the Croatian Cultural Heritage portal.

Delmata Project is meant for use by students, musicians, musicologists, ethnomusicologists and general public who want to learn about Croatian musical heritage, perform research, experiment, relax, or find inspiration for creative work.


  1. Oh Kokolo!

    Thank you for your musical artičoka recipe :)

    will go a bit later buy some and listen :)

  2. I did eat my artichokes and I did listen to the music... thank you again and again... Long live Croatia :)

    BTW on my pasture you will find something equal beautiful and you will love it too :)

  3. Ah, thank you (sayes kokolo, and fans his tail like a peacock)! Looking forward to your surpise.
