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From his myspace a quote :) from Gandhi "I believe in equality for everyone, except reporters and photographers."
Ziga Koritnik (on photograph left taken by Mr. Robert Balen, on July 07, 2005) has been capturing images of musicians since 1987. He lives and works in Ljubljana - Slovenia, where he is regular guest on the music scene and documents the Ljubljana jazz festival, the Druga godba festival, concerts in Cankarjev dom and various other events across Europe, both large and small, including Saalfelden jazz festival, Konrontationen in Nickelsdorf, and Vienna jazz festival in Austria, Musique Mettisses in Angouleme, France, Womad in Reading, England and the Talos Festival in Ruvo di Puglia, Musicche sulle bocce, Sardegna - Italy, Vision festival in New York. Since 1996 he has been the resident photographer of the Skopje jazz festival in Macedonia, where each year a calender with his photos is published. In 2001 he held a major exhibition at the Skopje City Museum to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the festival, which was accompanied by a book predominantly featuring Koritnik's photographs. In 2001 he spent seven weeks in New York, where he documented the Vision Festival and became acquainted with the musical and artistic events in the city. He was afforded the oppurtunity to exhibit in the Kavehaz Gallery in Soho. His photographs are regulary published in Slovene newspapers and magazines (including Delo, Mladina, Muska and Fotografija) as weel in international publications (Time out, Jazz times, Jazziz, Signal to noise, Neue Zeitschrift fur Musik, Ballett Unternationale, Village voice, All About jazz...). ...